Sunday, June 8, 2008

An Open Letter to Amy Smart

Dear Amy:

Oh, imagine my excitement when I was perusing the latest issue of Life & Style (which, after The New Yorker, is pretty much compulsory weekly reading...of course) and flipped the page to find your smiling visage looking oh-so-fresh in a white tank top, perfect-fitting jeans and - what is that?! Is that the Goodwill "Smiling G" gracing the space between your chic little sandals? It is!!

-squeal of delight-

Wow, Amy. I mean, it's probably completely totally random that you chose to pose so strategically in front of the logo of Goodwill Industries International (wink). I mean, I'm sure out of all the other signs you could have chosen to stand in front of, there's no way you stood in that specific place at that specific moment just for that specific photo op (wink). I think we both know this totally awesome coincidence was completely left to fate.

So, anyway, I just wanted to say that I loved your work in Starsky & Hutch (Carmen who?) and my boss seems to really like your work in Road Trip, and, well, I know you have several movies coming out later this year and early next year, and I have this idea...

Let me dress you in something from Goodwill for your next red carpet appearance.

How cool would that be? You know how everybody's showing up in Prius's these days and eschewing those gift suites in favor of philanthropic work, right? Dressing in an outfit from Goodwill fits in perfectly with that "New Hollywood" attitude. And it sets a good example for the young women who look up to you. You know, like, maybe the next time they see you in a magazine, they'll be able to afford what they see you wearing. Now how great is that?

So, you know, have your people call my people and such. Or just email me at I'll be waiting, Amy...

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