Thursday, April 24, 2008

My (Mostly Real) Glamorous Life

On Saturday, I got to have a supremely awesome coffee date with Ambika, who writes the supremely awesome blog (Into) the Fray, and I can assure you she is just as gorgeous and funny and kind in person as she is online. Totally. Love. Her.

Now, I know what you're thinking: How in god's name did two bloggers of your caliber meet in a public place and not get mobbed by adoring fans?

Duh, we hired bodyguards.

The whole street behind us was evacuated.

Once we had the rabid autograph-seekers cleared out, we had a lovely time chatting about everything from cute shoes to our hatred of Big Media. We also decided that if we are ever chosen to record a day in our lives for The Dailies at Design for Mankind, we would try our damnedest to make it look like this:

7:00 am: Rise with the sun. Thoughtful partner serves me breakfast in bed.

8:00 am: Apply La Mer facial moisturizer and choose a simple Roberto Cavalli frock from the closet.

9:00 am: Begin reading War and Peace.

10:00 am: Finish reading War and Peace.

11:00 am: Meet forty of my closest, most attractive friends for brunch.

12:00 pm: Sit for a portrait with my thoroughbred, Blushing Bedlamite.

As opposed to a more realistic day, which, for me, might look something like this:

11:00 am: Rise with my boyfriend yelling, "You're STILL in bed??"

12:00 pm -- 4:00 pm: Watch a marathon of America's Next Top Model. Eat a shocking amount of cheese curls.

Damnit. I totally just killed my chances of ever being chosen for that feature. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to the Opera with Alan Greenspan.

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