Saturday, May 24, 2008

Gobble Gobble

When I woke up this morning, I heard 'gobble gobble' and looked out the window to see the turkeys passing through. Several groups have been making daily passes through our yard the past few days and everything stops so that I can go look out the window at them. I never get tired of them and it's always fun to watch them chase each other and to see the big guys show off and strut.

The squirrels have been busy too, they emptied all my birdfeeders. I wouldn't mind them eating out of the feeders as long as they didn't chew them up. They chew the openings bigger and they break off the bird perches. Punks. Boris doesn't even pay any attention to them. He lays on the couch and looks out the window, but he doesn't bark or try to scare them off. Lazy dog.

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